get the shape of the source image before it is scaled

num_rows = img_gray.shape[0]
num_cols = img_gray.shape[1]

setting the scaling matrix

S = np.array([[2,0],[0,2]])

making the size of the destination image double than the source image

img_doubled = np.zeros((2*num_rows,2*num_cols),dtype='uint8')

computing the inverse matrix

S_inv = np.linalg.inv(S)

we shall be looping over the destination image

for new_row in range(img_doubled.shape[0]):
     for new_col in range(img_doubled.shape[1]):
        p_dash = np.array([new_row,new_col])
        p =

applying the floor and ceil method to get the 4 corners of the discrete pixels surrounding pixel p

    p_floor = np.int16(np.floor(p))
    p_ceil = np.int16(np.ceil(p))

get the actual position of the pixels in the source image

    row = p[0]
    col = p[1]       *get the 4 bounding corners*
    row_min,col_min = p_floor[0],p_floor[1]
    row_max,col_max = p_ceil[0],p_ceil[1]                *actual position of the pixel in the source image*
    point = (row,col)    *storing the values of 4 bounding corners as the variables in the form of coordinates for distance computation*
    cor00 = (row_min,col_min)
    cor01 = (row_max,col_min)
    cor10 = (row_min,col_max)
    cor11 = (row_max,col_max       *compute the distince of pixel p with each of the 4 bounding corners*
    w00 = distance.euclidean(point, cor00)
    w01 = distance.euclidean(point, cor01)
    w10 = distance.euclidean(point, cor10)
    w11 = distance.euclidean(point, cor11)    *since weight could be zero, to handle divide by zero casse, we replace 0 with 1 if any*   
    if w00==0:
    if w01==0:
    if w10==0:
    if w11==0:
        w11=1    *compute the sum of weight, where weight is just the inverse of the distance i.e greater the distance smaller the weight and vice versa*
    sum_weight = (1/w00)+(1/w01)+(1/w10)+(1/w11)

performing a boundary check

    if row_min<0 or row_max>=num_rows or col_min<0 or col_max>=num_cols:
    else:    *display the image*
        img_doubled[new_row,new_col] = np.round((img_gray[row_min,col_min]*(1/w00)+img_gray[row_max,col_min]*(1/w01)+img_gray[row_min,col_max]*(1/w10)+img_gray[row_max,col_max]*(1/w11))/(sum_weight))

source image

resultant image after scaling by 2 and applying bilinear interpolation